Friday, March 31, 2017


Some interesting developments within the last week or so. First, that woman at work is finally leaving and on her own accord. Personally, I didn't like her that much but her work was terrible too so I'm glad she is leaving on her own accord. Next, got to host a few interviews. It was really interesting to see how these young engineers think. It really puts my thought process into focus. They started so granular, so fine detailed, that it actually ended up hurting them a little bit in the exercises. Good food for thought there. Got my business cards! Actually really excited for that even though there is a typo and my title is going to change soon but IDC. It's nice, it's one of those life goal things. Finally be graduating soon. Which will be very very nice. I'm done with school do for awhile, nah mean? Some weird rabbit hole stuff popped up on Facebook, gotta keep it out of it. Drama on the is always so trivial. Finished reading Leviathan Wakes, what a thrill ride. Some more realistic space drama, sans vomit zombies of course, to read has been surely lacking in my life.

Friday, March 24, 2017


So three drinks have got me buzzed now. Like, I shouldn't be driving buzzed, don't worry I'm not. I definitely haven't eaten anything substantial in the last 6 hours so the booze has definitely gotten to me. I can beat it though. I can focus through it but only with extreme concentration. I can't hear everyone else. I mean, I can but I don't understand them. Like a bubble that only encapsulates one thing at a time. Right now, it is just this blog post. I'm able to focus enough to write but buzzed enough to not give a fuck about the content. It's an odd feeling, no reserve. Gotta walk. Lose this feeling that feels like pressure on the forehead and a weight in the mind.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Leviathan Wakes

Started a new sci-fi series. The show, The Expanse, is based off this series and so far I'm really liking it. It's pretty simple, not the harder read, but the attention to detail when it comes to the physics of space travel is pretty inspiring.
Will review after I finish book one

Holy shit this book is intense. Almost done with it and already some crazy shit is happening. I'll be curious to see how this end as the series stretches on for quite a bit

Sunday, March 19, 2017

One year

It's already been a year since you passed bud. Still just as fucked up as the day it happened. I still can't believe someone as cool and as talented as you was taken so early. I know I missed your thing tonight and I'm sorry for that. I know one reason was because I didn't wanna cry again in front of everyone and I knew hearing about you would just bring the water works. We have all been missing you dude. Your wit, humor, and candidness is severely missed.

Hope to see you again one day dude. There's always the memories

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Did a dumb thing

Bought some guns. A Ruger 9e and a Ar15... Really fucking expensive toys. So far, I love my 9. It's fun, cheap to fire, and easy to use. It's also pretty dang reliable. It's not the sexiest gun but it knows what to do. The AR I haven't fired yet. It's a pretty basic setup and I'm excited to give it a whirl. Dumb purchases, hell yeah. Fun purchases? Oh most definitely.