It's been a long time coming but it has finally happened. Yesterday was his last day. This guy... I swear. I have never seen that much animosity delivered by one man to a team. Seriously. All the guy did was antagonize, belittle, and disappear for weeks at a time with nothing to show for besides catty comments on the tickets. His goodbye was awkward as shit too. I think he knew we didn't care that he was leaving. I mean he tells Miguel, Rocky, and I it was good working with us then makes a dumb joke to Aaron that lands a little too close to the truth. Their were polite chuckles but it was mostly insincere.
The funny thing though was Aaron was the only one in his corner for so long but within the last few months he managed to burn that last remaining bridge. I'd love to log the comments here for future reading but obviously I can't as it is about licensed stuff but man was Aaron pissed. Here's this guy, this guy who has literally said, "Maybe if you do some research we can have an intelligent conversation in two or three months," who could not understand basic delta-compression file creation! All it was if the release changes, only save the changes in the update package. Keeps it small and lean but for whatever reason he didn't understand. I have less than a year of development experience under my belt but I could wrap my head around the binary creation. I wanted so much for Aaron to return those catty comments with a "well maybe if you did some research, we could have an intelligent conversation." It would have been so great. Granted, Aaron did send a pretty passive aggressive, and then finally active aggressive, comment back and I (and the others) fucking loved it.
The weird part though was that it was decision to leave, to resign after he got he new job. After it was announced, he suddenly starts bringing some output to the table which weirded us all out. He had been assigned multiple projects and spent multiple months doing shit all! The one application he had to finish, he didn't even finish. In fact, he made it WORSE!! Fuck. I always felt so worthless when he talked to me but now, looking back, I can see that I produced way more than he did his entire time here. I love the team I'm apart of. I did start off as the odd man out, although the Test guys welcomed me with open arms right away, but I could feel the flow of respect over time and it made me work harder because of the mutual investment. He just didn't care. Didn't care about being a part of a team and just really milked the clock (although he was salary, a fucking substantial salary) and I kind of hope he gets fired. Not out of being mean but because he needs it. He needs to realize that he isn't some lone hero, charging into battle against the mischievous BIOS partitions or asynchronous messaging between blocks of memory but rather he is a part of a squad.
It was just ridiculous. Well, now that he's gone, there will be less stress of waiting for the most temperamental dude I've ever talked to to actually update his tickets or submit code.
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