So a guy I work with, used to I guess after I moved to engineering, posted this shit on Facebook about how Obama made the racial divide even greater. Now, normally I just ignore this kind of crap as just bull from some self righteous a hole (should be noted that he quoted some obscure philosophy figure head without crediting him) but this one suck under my skin. It especially irritated me when I went in to the monitoring room to say bye to bear and he tries to give me some flak as I leave. I take it as good natured ribbing and send it right back. Thing is, after I left I guess he was saying that I do is harass people there. Now, there's probably one person out there who would agree with this sentiment, cough cough, but I can guarantee no one else at the office does. The only people I talk to there daily, in an informal way, are the engineers. In monitoring, I barely spoke. I just did my job, plus more, and split. I figure, I made him feel small. This guy has a major inferiority complex and here I come, this chubby slob who gets way more shit done without really saying much. I got praised and awarded but just kept it light. It was easy job so being on top off the pack was just being a half click more than what was already expected. But for whatever reason, I made some kind of weird enemy with him.
Anyways, he posts this quote all pretentious and shit and when people push back on it, all he does is say, "maybe you should explore that". That's it. As if him just stating someone else's words, no credit given mind you, is enough to defend the position. Yes, my opinion widely differs but it is open to change. If I can be convinced to shift perspective and see from a different lens, maybe he's right, but that's not the case with him. He can only antagonize. He can only degrade. Hell. I remember getting into an argument with him about Madoka. He was talking some trash about it but when pushed, her offered no supporting arguments. That's how it always is with him too. He likes to ruffle feathers but gets offended if people ruffle back. It doesn't affect my work there at all but it does obviously annoy me. I have never met someone so thin skinned who likes to play with so many pointed words.
My quick analysis of him? Neckbeard. He's the kind of guy who thinks that because he is so much different than everyone else he should be respected more but in reality his outlook on things is based solely on negating popular opinion that he had become just as predictible.
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