Tuesday, September 13, 2016

I know you read this

Well I obviously looked but really it's just because you have been for more than week straight now. I don't know your motivations. I don't talk to you, I don't talk to anyone about you, I don't do shit but sometimes write about you because you're always on here! I don't know why you think I'm some evil thing. The last message I sent was an email after we got into a fight because of one of these posts on here and the last object I sent you was that bag of Kit Kats and that Cat Plant I bought you when you had that really bad breakup. Yes, I looked at your stuff but the honest trigger was you. I mean:

So the top one is just a snap shot of some of the looks and the bottom is a bar graph of the times you visited this week. Orange is mostly you until the last one, that one is me three times. I also had stuff from when you lived with your dad both before and after our last fight. You look all the time. I went three months without looking at your stuff. After that stalker thing you did on your tumblr. I mean you stopped using it so I stopped caring. Then, you started looking again. I didn't do anything to preempt it. I was just doing my thing. I've seen you click on the Pinterest link (which was broken at the time), click on my imgur link, everything.

For your information, the above is from Statcounter, a free service that simply tracks web traffic on a specific URL. Nothing nefarious. The "Katrina2?" tag was me. I had no one of knowing who that is. The IP address might seem like its invading but that's nothing. That's a label given by your ISP so unless I was friend's with Cox, I can't do a thing with it.

I don't know why you think I'm so dangerous. The last time I saw you I was trying to avoid. Well, the Hut was just make sure that was you but once I found out I left. I went to Mr. Heads and you guys came walking in. After that I left again and still you guys walked by me. I didn't think anything of it, I thought it was funny, but I didn't want to interfere. I don't know how that's dangerous.

So yes, I have looked but you baited me. I even wrote on here that you looking is baiting me. Yes, I should've ignored but what am I supposed to think? I haven't done anything. I have NEVER harassed you. If someone told you I have or you have some notion that I have, that is all fallacy. I don't know where you live, your tumblr (if you have one), your facebook is gone, but I do know pinterest obviously. If you are that worried about me skulking around, get stat counter. http://statcounter.com/, this site will allow you to see who's looking at your stuff. Obviously you would need to be able to inject a little code so you would need access to the source. Tumblr allows it and so does a few others.

This will be the last thing I post on here with this URL. If this blog offends you so, then I will hide it. It was supposed, and still is, my scratch pad. Your looking though has influenced it though obviously and if that offends, i'm sorry but i'm also not. This is my space. I can do here as I please. I'm never violent, nor am I violent. We were friends for years so you should know that.

Once you see this one, the URL will change and I won't link it anywhere.

Honestly, I miss you but I don't know what's going on with you. I don't know what I have done to make you feel like I'm so damn dangerous. Honestly, I'm tired of this shit. I'm tired of trying to figure out what you want.

I hope you live a happy life. I really do. I'm happy and you deserve no less but I feel that I need to simply disappear from this space. There's no need for so much drama. I don't think we should be effecting each other's lives from behind a screen.


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